Bijsmans, Patrick, Schakel, Arjan H., Baykal, Asena and Hegewald, Sven (2021) 'Internationalisation and study success: class attendance and the delicate balance between collaborative learning and being lost in translation,' European Journal of Higher Education. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Brown, A.J. (2021) 'Dissecting public opinion on regional authority: Four types of regionalists based on citizens preferences for self-rule and shared rule,' Publius: The Journal of Federalism. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Smith, Rodney (2021) 'Unravelling the 'devolution paradox': How preferences for self-rule and shared rule drive citizens' opinions for regional reform and inter-regional fiscal transfers,' European Journal of Political Research. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2021) 'From staunch supporters to critical observers: Explaining the turn towards Euroscepticism among regionalist parties,' European Union Politics 22 (3): 424-445. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Romanova, Valentyna (2021) 'Horizontal and vertical spill-over in multilevel electoral systems,' Regional & Federal Studies 31 (3): 299-311. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2021) 'Regional spillover into third-order European elections' Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions 34 (3): 6433-663. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Shair-Rosenfield, Sarah, Schakel, Arjan H., Niedzwiecki, Sara, Marks, Gary, Hooghe, Liesbet, and Chapman-Osterkatz, Sandra (2021) 'Language difference and regional authority,' Regional & Federal Studies 31 (1): 73-97. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2020) ‘Multi-level governance in a “Europe with the regions”,’ British Journal of Politics & International Relations 22 (4): 767-775. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Romanova, Valentyna (2020) ‘Vertical linkages between regional and national electoral arenas and their impact on multilevel democracy,’ Regional & Federal Studies 30 (3): 323-342. [doi] [pdf]
Maarten Vink, Schakel, Arjan H., Reichel, David, Luk, Ngo Chun, de Groot, Gerard-René (2019) 'The international diffusion of expatriate dual citizenship,' Migration Studies 7 (3): 362-383. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H., Sharma, Chanchal and Swenden, Wilfried (2019) 'India after the 2014 general elections: BJP dominance and the crisis of the third party system,' Regional & Federal Studies 29 (3): 329-354. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Romanova, Valentyna (2019) 'Two analytical ‘building blocks’ for a comprehensive understanding of regional voting,' Regional & Federal Studies 29 (3): 297-306. [doi] [pdf]
Eaton, Kent, Faguet, Jean-Paul, Harbers, Imke, Schakel, Arjan H., Hooghe, Liesbet, Marks, Gary, Niedzwiecki, Sara, Chapman Osterkatz, Sandra and Shair-Rosenfield, Sarah (2019) 'Measuring and theorizing regional governance,' Territory, Politics, Governance 7 (2): 265-283. [doi] [pdf]
Bijsmans, Patrick and Schakel, Arjan H. (2018) 'The impact of attendance on first-year study success in problem-based learning,' Higher Education 76 (5): 865-881. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2018) “Rethinking European elections: the importance of regional spill-over into the European electoral arena,” Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (3): 687-705. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Massetti, Emanuele (2018) “A world of difference: the sources of regional government composition and alternation,” West European Politics 41 (3): 703-727. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Swenden, Wilfried (2018) "Rethinking party system nationalisation in India (1952-2014)," Government & Opposition 53 (1): 1-25. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2017) "Decentralisation reforms and regionalist parties' strength: accommodation, empowerment or both?," Political Studies 65 (2): 432-451. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2016) "Between autonomy and secession: decentralization and regionalist party ideological radicalism," Party Politics 22 (1): 59-79. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2015) "From class to region: How regionalist parties link (and subsume) left-right into centre-periphery politics," Party Politics 21 (6): 866-886. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2015) "Nationalisation of regional elections in Central and Eastern Europe," East European Politics 31 (2): 229-247. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2015) "How to analyze second-order election effects? A refined second-order election model," Comparative European Politics 13 (6): 636-655. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Dandoy, Régis (2014) "Electoral cycles and turnout in multilevel electoral systems," West European Politics 37 (3): 605-623. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Massetti, Emanuele and Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) "Ideology matters: why decentralization has a differentiated effect on regionalist parties' fortunes in Western democracies," European Journal of Political Research 52 (6): 797-821. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) "Congruence between regional and national elections," Comparative Political Studies 46 (5): 631-662. [doi] [pdf]
Jeffery, Charlie and Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) "Editorial: towards a regional political science," Regional Studies 47 (3): 299-302. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. and Jeffery, Charlie (2013) "Are regional elections really second-order?," Regional Studies, 47, 3: 323-341. [doi] [pdf]
Jeffery, Charlie and Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) "Insights: methods and data beyond methodological nationalism," Regional Studies 47 (3): 402-404. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2013) "Nationalisation of multilevel party systems: A conceptual and empirical analysis," European Journal of Political Research 52 (2): 212-236. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2010) "Explaining regional and local government: an empirical test of the decentralization theorem," Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions 23 (2): 331-355. [doi] [pdf] [appendix]
Eijsackers, Herman, Bruggeman, Jorn, Harmsen, J., de Kort, Thijs and Schakel, Arjan H. (2009) "Colonization of PAH-contaminated dredged sediment by earthworms," Applied Soil Ecology 43 (2-3): 216-225. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2009) "Explaining policy allocation over governmental tiers by identity and functionality," Acta Politica 44 (4): 385-409. [doi] [pdf]
Marks, Gary, Hooghe, Liesbet and Schakel Arjan H. (2008) "Measuring regional authority," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 111-121. [doi] [pdf]
Hooghe, Liesbet, Schakel, Arjan H. and Marks, Gary (2008) "Operationalizing regional authority: A Coding Scheme for 42 Countries, 1950-2006," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 123-142. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel Arjan H. (2008) "Validation of the regional authority index," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 143-166. [doi] [pdf]
Marks, Gary, Hooghe, Liesbet and Schakel, Arjan H. (2008) "Patterns of regional authority," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 167-181. [doi] [pdf]
Hooghe, Liesbet, Schakel, Arjan H., Marks, Gary (2008) "Appendix A: profiles of regional reform in 42 countries," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 183-258. [doi] [pdf]
Hooghe, Liesbet, Schakel, Arjan H., Marks, Gary (2008) "Appendix B: country and regional scores," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 183-258. [doi] [pdf]
Schakel, Arjan H. (2008) "Appendix C: a library on regional authority," Regional & Federal Studies 18 (2-3): 183-258. [doi] [pdf]